Do you consider yourself
“good with computers” or tech savvy?
IT is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the job market. With high ceilings and a wide range of opportunities, getting your foot in the door is easier than you think. InsideOut Networking’s employee training program is designed for go-getters ready to join the IT world.
Browse our careers today!
The 3 Biggest Myths of Working in IT
You need X years of professional experience to get started
Believe it or not, you don’t need a resume full of professional experience and fancy credentials to start a career in IT. If you’ve got a passion for computers in your personal life, you can learn the ropes of IT pretty quick. All you need is a positive attitude to learn from others.
You need a technical degree and certifications
Lessons in the classroom will only take you so far in the IT world, no matter how fancy the diploma looks. Getting hands-on experience with real clients on the front lines is much more valuable to your career. Degree or not, you can get started in IT by simply applying for one of our positions.
You’re expected to be a rock star on day one
Entry level IT specialists are not thrown into the fire on the first day – or even their first couple months. At InsideOut Networking, we have a carefully designed system in place to gradually bring new hires up to speed. As long as you’re coachable and have background knowledge and experience with computers, you’ll fit in perfectly.
Do You Fit the Mold of an InsideOut Networking IT Specialist?
Are you the go-to person for computer issues with your friends and family?
InsideOut doesn’t need a long history of IT work, flashy certifications, or anything else. If you’ve got a genuine interest in computers, some personal experience, and are eager to start a new career, let’s talk.
Are You a Self-Starter?
InsideOut is looking for new employees excited to learn the ropes of IT. We want to expand our team with motivated problem solvers ready to help themselves, their co-workers, and clients succeed.
Are You Teachable?
Our coaching program is run by senior employees and is designed to provide new hires with real world IT experience. To thrive in the fast-paced tech world, candidates need to be coachable, respond well to constructive criticism, and maintain a student mindset.
Are You Willing to Go Above and Beyond?
We’re looking for passionate employees who can see the bigger picture in every task. Everyone we bring onboard must have a drive to go beyond the call of duty and take steps to improve the status quo.
Are You a Team Player?
InsideOut Networking’s success is owed entirely to the team-oriented culture we create. New employees should be ready to work closely with others and thrive in a team environment. As you transition to a senior employee, you’ll be expected to take on a coaching role.
What Does a Career at InsideOut Networking Look Like?
We understand that everyone learns differently – and the InsideOut career trajectory is not one-size-fits-all.
Our training program lasts anywhere from a couple months to a year. As long as you stay positive and
motivated, the program is perfect for you.
Here’s what your new career at InsideOut Networking will look like:
Stage 1 (1-2 weeks):
- Training Videos
- in-Person Training
- Book Work
Stage 1 provides an overview of the company standards and
lessons. You’ll learn about our policies, procedures, and get some initial exposure to real life IT shop work via heavily guided tasks.
Stage 2 (2 weeks):
As you advance into stage 2, you will be eased into shop work and residential work exposure. This involves speaking with real clients and solving real problems overseen by a senior co-worker. You’ll slowly begin taking on solo work with frequent coach check-ins.
Stage 3 (4-6 weeks):
- Passive coaching & solo work
- Virtual IT Department Training
Stage 3 is all about getting more comfortable with solo work. You’ll have daily coaching huddles to assess your assignments, get advice, ask questions, and do what’s needed to meet your checklist. You will begin VITD (Virtual IT Department) training and start getting front line exposure to VITD work alongside your coach.
Stage 4 (4-6 weeks):
- Certify with training coach
- Ongoing feedback
- Ongoing reporting
- Start VITD work
The final stage in our program involves demonstrating the skills you’ve learned. You’ll get certification for solo work (without check-points), slowly start working independently, and transition away from monitored work. IT is evolving by the minute. We expect you to maintain the student mindset and a sense of curiosity – even after you’ve become an IT rock star.