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Enhancing IT Services with a Personal Touch

As an IT services company, we know that combining advanced technology with a personal touch is essential for outstanding outsourced IT services. As a business based in Troy, we understand the unique challenges local businesses encounter and are dedicated to providing tailored IT Support that exceeds standard offerings. Our approach involves more than just technical…
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Choosing the Right Business IT Services Provider in Troy

As an IT services company, we understand the importance of a dependable Business IT services provider cannot be overstated. For businesses in Troy, selecting the right provider is a pivotal decision that impacts operational efficiency and overall success. Whether you’re navigating the challenges of a small startup or managing a large enterprise, effective IT support…
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Don’t Copy & Paste This Dangerous Text

A new warning for Google Chrome users has emerged, carrying a critical yet straightforward piece of advice: avoid copying and pasting unfamiliar text into your terminal or run dialog box. This advice comes from cybersecurity firm Proofpoint, which has identified a new technique cybercriminals are using to spread malware. The Nature of the Threat Proofpoint…
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Boost Your Smartphone Security: Why the FBI Advices Regular Reboots Matter

Have you ever considered why your smartphone might benefit from a regular reboot? The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) advises a simple yet effective practice: regularly rebooting your phone. This recommendation, backed by cybersecurity experts, plays a crucial role in maintaining your device’s security and integrity. The Importance of Regular Reboots Our smartphones contain a…
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Passwords: Our Primary Defense Against Cyber Threats – A New Era of Cybersecurity

Passwords are our primary defense against cyber threats. Yet, many of us fall into the trap of using generic, easy-to-remember passwords, compromising our security. This blog will delve into the risks associated with generic passwords, what US and Canadian businesses and users should understand about the UK’s new ban on weak default passwords, and strategies…
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The Importance of Updating Your DMARC Policy for Enhanced Email Security

Email remains a primary communication tool for both personal and professional use, but it also continues to be a significant vector for cyber attacks. Recently, the FBI and NSA have emphasized a crucial step that all email users and administrators should take to bolster their email security: updating your DMARC policy. This recommendation comes in…
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Is Your Business at Risk for Cyber Fraud?

In an era where online transactions reign supreme, the threat of cyber fraud looms large over businesses and consumers alike. While factors like the COVID-19 pandemic have accelerated the shift toward digital commerce and communication, the underlying risks associated with cyber fraud have been steadily growing for years. From fake booking scams in the hospitality…
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Password Hygiene: Best Practices for Secure Credentials Maintenance

Maintaining strong password hygiene is one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself from cyber threats. Password hygiene refers to the regular practices you should follow to create and manage secure passwords, as well as protect yourself against common threats like phishing and hacking. By following these best practices, you can…
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Preparing for a Cyber-Safe Vacation

As May rolls around, the warmth of summer beckons, and for many of us, thoughts turn to vacation planning. Whether you’re dreaming of sandy beaches, bustling city streets, or serene mountain retreats, the anticipation of an upcoming getaway is undeniably exciting. But as you start envisioning your perfect escape, it’s essential to consider a factor…
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Why Small Businesses Need to Be Careful With AI

The recent proliferation of AI has revolutionized various aspects of business operations, including text generation. While AI-powered tools like ChatGPT offer remarkable convenience and efficiency, businesses must approach their usage discerningly, as they are not immune to potential pitfalls.  7 AI Risks You Need To Be Aware Of From concerns regarding data privacy to ethical…
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